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As Busy as His Bees

Sep 8th, 2013 | Category: Bee Science

UP AT 8 I wake up around 8, and yes, it is in my childhood bedroom. I bought the apartment for my parents a few years ago when the West Village Houses finally went co-op. I could pay rent, but I always think it’s a sucker’s game. I’s like in Europe: We live in a multigenerational house.

Elizabeth D. Herman for The New York Times

ALWAYS CONNECTED I make coffee — nobody is allowed to talk to me until after I drink it — and then I try and force myself to eat something; it’s 50-50 whether I’m successful with that. I’m also doing e-mail.

TIMING IT RIGHT Then I pretty much jump in my car and drive to the Navy Yard. I get there by 10 a.m. at the latest. The timing is tied to a behavioral thing about bees, since a good chunk of bees in the hive are foragers, so they go gather pollen and nectar in the late morning or midday. If I’m messing around with a hive, it’s better if half the population is out flying around.

Elizabeth D. Herman for The New York Times

GREET THE GUARDS The first thing I do when I go through the gate at the Navy Yard is say hi to the guards, who all know me as the bee guy. With any big organization like that, the guards are the guys you deal with the most. So when we had our first batch of honey from the hives, we gave a jar to every guard, and the return on investment has been infinite.

PREP FOR MARKET We have a market on Sunday in McGolrick Park in Greenpoint, so Ben is usually at the farm harvesting. I make sure he is tanked up with jars of honey, and because I’m not just a beekeeper but also an owner, if he needs any help harvesting, I help him or do whatever else is needed. When Ben’s good to go, I go straight to our bee yard, or really, our bee roof. I kind of get to whatever bee tasks are necessary, and that can vary greatly depending on the time of year. If it’s a training day — we run a bee-training program that meets every other Sunday — I’ll spend two to four hours with the trainees doing all manner of hive maintenance, hands-on stuff like honey collection.

Elizabeth D. Herman for The New York Times

ROOFTOP PICNIC At some point I’ll eat lunch. I try and pack my lunch because then I have it with me and I don’t have to pause what I’m doing — just sit down on the roof and enjoy the view and have a little picnic. I like to bake my own bread, so maybe I’ll have a loaf of bread, a hunk of cheese and whatever else is left over in my fridge.

NIGHTTIME RUN I’m really into running, like city running. This is kind of a recent development in my life. I’ve been a mountain biker and snowboarder my whole life, but at 40 I got into trail running and now I’m into this whole urban running scene. I am running with a crew of people, mostly in their late 20s and early 30s, not a bunch of meathead jocks. I’s like the millennial generation’s version of golf, because there is all this business networking going on, and of course hooking up, too. So I’ll get home around 6 and maybe take a short nap, like 10 minutes. Then usually around 8, I’ll meet the running group probably somewhere on the Lower East Side, like Lost Weekend, the coffee shop on Orchard Street.

A BRIDGE OR TWO Then we take whatever the route is. Usually it involves a bridge or two, maybe going around the Battery, anywhere from 5 to 11 miles. Our runs usually last about an hour; then we pig out, usually at the restaurant An Choi, because we get tons of Vietnamese food and they give us free margaritas. It lasts as long as you want to stay there partying, but I will happily embrace the fact that I am a bit older than the rest of the crew, so I’m probably out of there by 10 at the latest.

LIGHTS OUT When I get home, I shower, hopefully, and maybe read an e-book or watch Netflix on the iPad before I’m just out. And when I say read or watch a show, I mean, maybe for 10 minutes before I’m asleep.