Should Your Neighbor’s Allergy Be Your Concern?
Jan 20th, 2013 | Category: Bee ScienceClassifying this bee ownership as a “hobby” simplifies the problem: it’s not ethical to pursue a recreational activity that puts unwilling third parties in nonspeculative danger, regardless of the legality. It would be more complicated if your daughter and son-in-law were financially dependent on the bees’ honey production, but even in that situation, keeping the hives is ultimately unjustifiable. (While I realize it would be a hassle to relocate the hive elsewhere, it’s unreasonable and inhumane to expect a family to live in constant fear of bee-related danger.) In general, interpersonal ethics should prevail over the rule of law. If a specific law forces you to act unethically, it’s a bad law; the only grounds for respecting it would be the avoidance of prosecution. If a law allows you to be unethical (but doesn’t dictate unethical behavior), the responsibility falls on the individual to do the right thing within (or despite) the law’s parameters. In this case, that means moving the bees.
I am the executor of my sisters’ wills. I was told, not asked. I cringe when I think about the condition their estates will be in upon their deaths. My two sisters are hoarders. This past holiday, one sister started mentioning who (the Girl Scouts, a teachers’ union, etc.) should get what of her stuff. As executor, do I have to follow whatever they instruct? How much leeway do I have? MARY O., FLORIDA
The legalities of this problem are byzantine (after speaking with a lawyer, I got the sense that you have considerable leeway, but any action would require attaining your own legal counsel). But the ethical demands of serving as an executor nullify that perplexity. If a woman of sound mind designates you as executor, she assumes you will act on her behalf in a manner that reflects what she would have wanted. It sounds as if you would have a difficult time doing this. As such, you should renounce this responsibility. You’re not obligated to do this, and someone else could serve your sisters’ wishes better.
Is it ethical to talk a cop out of giving you a ticket? What about for minor infractions, like parking illegally? NATHAN FELDMAN, NEW YORK CITY
As long as you don’t lie (or do anything else that would be unethical in a conventional conversation), there’s no problem with this, unless you count the wasting of time. Being a police officer gives someone the authority to write tickets, but it doesn’t make them unassailable or unable to listen to reason.
E-mail queries to [email protected], or send them to the Ethicist, The New York Times Magazine, 620 Eighth Avenue, New York, N.Y. 10018, and include a daytime phone number.