Owasso, OK Bee Farm Specializing in...
Bee Swarm Removal . Cutouts & Extractions
Honey/Bee Product Sales . Bee Colonies for Sale in Spring
Purchase & Sell Beehives & Beekeeping Equipment

Useful Information

The Many Health Benefits of Honey

The Many Health Benefits of Honey

In addition to being a great natural sweetener, honey has a multitude of benefits that many people don’t know about. Have you ever had an unrelenting sore throat? Honey has been proven to be a natural throat soother! Are you an athlete looking for a natural energy boost before the big game? Honey’s unique blend of natural sweeteners gives it the ability to provide quick energy in any circumstance.



Browse our sitemap, which outlines the complete structure of our site, and links to all the important pages you may be looking for.

Useful Links

Useful Links

Here is our excellent collection of websites with information about honey. Please let us know if you discover any links that we should add to our links page.

Honey Recipes

Honey Recipes

Over the years, RJS Bee Farm has collected especially unique recipes that all incorporate honey! Please browse the recipes and enjoy!